
The Saint Louis Linux Users Group (STLLUG) is a non-profit, volunteer group that provides education, information and/or support for Linux users. Saint Louis Linux User Group Logo


ONLINE Sessions

  • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
  • ONLINE session will use ZOOM remote video meeting service on 17 October 2024.
  • Connection instructions will be first sent to our mailing lists and then linked here .

  • TOPIC: Linters and Review Tools

    Presenter: James Conroy

    "Automated Code Review", or "Why Does Everyone Hate my Patches?".
    This talk is on available tools to catch bugs, and enforce styles on a code base before anything is merged. It will cover:
    • Linters,
    • formatters,
    • static application security testing,
    • automated spell checkers,
    • and why you can't just rely on a compiler.

    We will also cover techniques for applying these tools to an already existing code base, and how to intigrate them into a CI/CD pipeline.

    SLUUG Sponsored meetings in the STL Metro Area

    Click here if you do not see mini-calendar below

    Monthly Meetings

    This Saint Louis MO, STL Linux Users Group (STLLUG) meets monthly to learn and talk about Linux. To avoid back-to-back meetings, this GNU/Linux Users Group usually holds its meetings ( eight days after ) on the second Thursday after the monthly meeting of the Saint Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG). Eight days after would either be the third Thursday or the fourth Thursday of each month.

    These meetings are free, public and open to all.

    We begin gathering about 6:00PM to test microphones, screen sharing and webcams. At 6:30PM we start with introductions, announcements, current events of interest, and a general CALL-FOR-HELP segment. Then we will go into the presentation of our main topic, sometime after or around 6:45PM.

  • NEW In what order or sequence are the meeting events held? STLLINUX Meeting

    A SLUUG Special Interest Group

    STLLUG is loosely affiliated with the St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG), as one of its Special Interest Groups (SIG). Under SLUUG care, web page support is provided. Individual membership dues, fees or other charges are NOT required. These meetings are free, public and open to all.

  • Where!

  • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
  • ONLINE sessions will use remote video meeting service.
  • Connection Instructions to follow on this web page and our mailing lists.
  • When!

    Thursday, October 17th, 2024

    from 6:30PM till 9:00PM Central Standard Time (CST) UTC-06:00

    We will open the remote session at about 6:00 PM CST, so that you can join early to test your microphone, screen and video sharing.

    Next scheduled meeting dates

    SLUUG Annual Meeting and Elections

    As required by SLUUG By-Laws, a required annual meeting was held 14 February 2024.
    Attending any two SLUUG sponsored meetings in calendar year 2023 qualified members to vote. Mail in balloting was held thru out February. That resulted in Ken Johnson and Sean Twiehaus being elected to our Board of Governors. James Conroy continues as Chairman of the Saint Louis Linux Users Group.

    Past meetings

    Click here if you do not see past presentation archives listing below
    SLUUG has been meeting continuously since July 1992.
    STLLINUX has been meeting continuously since July 1995.

    Other independent, loosely affiliated SLUUG sponsored groups:

  • St. Louis Area Computer Club
  • Newcomer Linux Users Group
  • Contact us if you have a presentation you would like to have considered for selection.

    This site hosted by the Saint Louis Unix Users Group